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Artist Home Presents: A Saint Patrick’s Day Tribute to Shane MacGowan featuring.

The Bad Things, Mister Ink, Invisible Shivers, Kevin Sur, and more.

Come raise a pint for Shane MacGowan of The Pogues and sing along!

This evening will benefit:

One in Four – a charity organization that helps end the trauma of Childhood Sexual abuse in Ireland. Supporting Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse & Trauma – 1in4 (oneinfour.org.uk)

Childline – a 24/7 hotline that children can use in crisis. Display popup on page load (childlineindia.org)

*Tickets are nonrefundable, unless show is cancelled, or rescheduled.  If you cannot attend a show, tickets can be transferred from purchaser to another individual, or individuals. Tickets purchased for a specific event cannot be transferred to a different event.

Beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages available.  Food can be brought in from area restaurants.  No outside drinks please.

All ages.


Millers – A Gathering Place
4597 Tolt Avenue
Carnation, WA 98014 United States
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